reader question of the week

I love the concept behind this party. We all have years we would like to leave behind (my personal choice: 2006), so this seems a great way to ring in a new year for someone you love. I hope you dear readers can be of help!

reader question of the week:

"My father-in-law has had a rough time of it this year; y'know, the typical if anything can go wrong, it has. He is a really great guy, but during the past six months he lost his dog to cancer, his best friend to cancer, and his favorite kitty died as well this week. That's sort of the tip of the iceburg, but geez, he's been through a lot!

So, he is turning 60 this December 8th-and I'd like to throw him a small party (probably on 12/5 or 12/6). His children would be there, a few friends, etcetera. But I was going to have a theme of 2010! I want the decorations to be fairly bright, but definitely emphasising him turning 60 and looking forward 2010, instead of with regret toward what a disaster 2009 was for him, personally. I also need some cute food ideas. Thanks! -Kelsey"